The Neverland Files
The Neverland Files
What are the Best Star Wars Series on Disney Plus?

What are the Best Star Wars Series on Disney Plus?

Happy May the 4th! To celebrate we rank Star Wars television series on Disney Plus and recommend which ones you should try out this weekend.

From animated to live-action, Disney Plus offers many different Star Wars adventures for Star Wars fans of all ages and interests. Here’s what Star Wars show you should check out next to celebrate May the 4th!

Best Animated Series for Corban - The Clone Wars

Watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Disney+

“It’s like reading the Harry Potter books. It’s a big commitment!” But once you have gone through it once and you are familiar with the storylines and characters it introduces, you can dip back into your favorite parts and relive the best storylines! And it sets up Ahsoka, The Bad Batch, and The Mandalorian. So if you feel like something doesn’t make sense, The Clone Wars is the encyclopedia to refer back to😂

Best Animated Series for Camari - Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels - Disney Channel Series - Where To Watch

If you love the original trilogy, then this series will feel that nostalgia. It’s the beginning of the Rebellion so several original trilogy characters pop up including Princess Leia and Old Ben Kenobi. Also, you get a glimpse at what happened to some of the Jedi who survived Order 66.

But Don’t Sleep On The Bad Batch!

Tribal Tribune | Star Wars: The Bad Batch brings new take to classic  franchise

The cast of characters in this show is so fun and compelling! Watching this rag-tag group of clones bounce off each other while unraveling just what the Emperor is up to right after Revenge of the Sith. Season three just wrapped up, so now is the time to binge the entire series.

Must Watch Live-Action Star Wars Series for Corban - Andor

Watch Star Wars: Andor | Disney+

If you liked Rogue One, then Andor is the Star Wars show you need to check out this weekend! It has the same dark, gritty feel of the movie with a thriller vibe. Who was Cassian Andor before Rogue One? His origin story is all right here. And season 2 is coming out sometime this year! 🤞🏼

Must Watch Live-Action Star Wars Series for Camari - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Watch Obi-Wan Kenobi | Disney+

For anyone who loves the original trilogy, this takes A New Hope and gives it extra fun depth. If you want to see Darth Vader at his most powerful (and brutal), see Leia’s family dynamic, and experience how beautiful her home planet of Alderaan is, this mini-series is for you.

Enjoy this episode? We have good news! If you want more episodes, become a paid subscriber for access to extended and additional Neverland Files episodes! We set up Star Wars characters on blind dates this week and there are some surprising relationships pairings that coooouuuuuuld have potential.

The Neverland Files
The Neverland Files
Tune in to the debates, insight and laughter between siblings Corban and Camari, as they revisit the magic of a Disney-filled childhood. Full of film rankings, fun facts and in-depth discussions. From Snow White to Star Wars, from Thunder Mountain to Thor; come reminisce and rediscover the second star to the right. This is the Neverland Files!